Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love Daddy

February ended with sickness, and March began with new hope.

February 28th, 3:30am - 
Driving home from work, trying to make it without pulling over - I just came down with the stomach flu.  

The importance to this story is to show how much love my wife has for me.

February 28th is Lexi's 9th Birthday.  I was set to make birthday pancakes just two short hours later.  But this would be the first year, birthday pancakes would not happen.  I fell asleep, with a face so green, and a broken heart, knowing I couldn't make food for the birthday girl with a stomach virus.

I woke up around noon (I think...) to my bride walking in the bedroom to tell me "You have sent Lexi flowers to school with a note that says "Happy Birthday, Love Daddy"  Yep, more tears.  Because for me Birthday pancakes are only second to Christmas Morning.  I can't explain in words what she did for me that day, but i will forever remember "the best flowers I ever sent".

March 1st - Shoutout to Joshua who turned ONE today!

March 2nd -  Lots of love have filled our mailboxes - both physical and electronic.  The letters, texts, emails, chats, and talks with our neighbors have been so heartwarming and encouraging.  It truly is.  Your comments and  even more so your prayers have greatly helped us.

Heather will be blogging soon regarding her doctor appointment from yesterday.  I have vowed not to release those details...but I may invade her blog with my reaction.  New Hope!!!

Beautiful weather and New Hope.  Cheers to a new month.  Happy March.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Aaron and Heather, for sharing your heart with us.
    Our heart aches for you and your family.
    We are ever prayerful for God to bless David Allen, and each one of you as you continue on this journey.
    Your family has seemed to be under seige this past year. But, we know there are reasons for the trials and know God is in control.
    Just want you to know we love you and are praying for each of you.
    My Love, Aunt Betty
